No kidding — Patient Engagement Award deadline extended to April 4

We all can use a little extra time!

The deadline for the new John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement has been extended to Friday, April 4.

Join some amazing health systems, large and small, and individuals who have already submitted their nominations.

The John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement is being jointly conferred by Standard Register Healthcare in partnership with the National Patient Safety Foundation’s Lucian Leape Institute. The award will be conferred at the 2014 NPSF Patient Safety Congress in Orlando in May and award-winning programs will be featured on [Disclaimer: I write for and am involved with the creation of the award.]

Nominations are due by April 4. Submit now!


Today is the deadline to sign up for #ObamaCare … nag, nag, nag!

The tiniest state in the nation has a brilliant idea to get those healthy "kids" to sign up for ObamaCare.

Nag them!

From HealthSourceRI: 

Your kids don’t want to get health insurance. They also don’t want to get nagged. Let’s find out which one they want less. Help us get your kids insured by nagging them about health insurance where they least expect it.

It's the Nag Toolkit from HealthSourceRI, Rhode Island's health insurance exchange. Use the handy tools to nag your kids on the social networks they use every day — SnapChat, OKCupid, Tinder, Twitter and Vine.

And if that's too hard to figure out, they'll do the work for you — just give them your kids' email addresses.

Everyone else, go to and sign up — today!

Photo Friday: Zen on the beach

It's been a crazy couple of weeks — a good time to sift through the stacks for a little peace.

Rock and sand sculpture on the beach on Block Island, R.I., shot August 5, 2012.

Rock and sand sculpture on the beach on Block Island, R.I., shot August 5, 2012.

Deadline is Friday to enter new award recognizing achievement in patient engagement #jqsaward

This is the final week to submit nominations for the new John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement.

The John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement is being jointly conferred by Standard Register Healthcare in partnership with the National Patient Safety Foundation’s Lucian Leape Institute.

The award will be conferred at the 2014 NPSF Patient Safety Congress in Orlando in May and award-winning programs will be featured on [Disclaimer: I write for and am involved with the creation of the award.]

The John Q. Sherman Award for Excellence in Patient Engagement will be presented in two categories — one for a health care institution and one for an individual.

  • The Institution award recognizes a health care provider institution or organization that has made dynamic innovations or advancements in patient engagement.
  • The Individual award  recognizes an individual or small group that worked together, clinician or patient who has demonstrated the qualities and characteristics in their community, in education or within the health care setting.

Nominations are due by March 28. Submit now!